Dr Vindy Ghura was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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4th May 2024

I went to see Dr Vindy Ghura with what I had been told was a small cyst on my face with the intention of having it removed. As soon as Dr Ghura looked at the cyst he comfirmed it was cancerous which took me by surprise because two other doctors had previously told me it was just a small cyst. I can honestly say that from that moment Dr Ghura made me feel at ease and explained exactly the procedure which he would use to have this removed using Mohs surgery which he explained in detail. Dr Ghura performed the surgery at a clinic near to the hospital. The surgery went smoothly with no problems whatsover. I felt that I could completely trust Dr Ghura and felt relaxed. I returned to the clinic for my first follow up appointment and Dr Ghura gave me instructions on how to care for the area which surgery had been performed. Within one month of having the surgery, my face has healed and there is actually no scar to be seen. I find this unbelievable and very happy with the results. In fact, I actually have to show people pictures of my face after surgery for them to believe I've had anything done because it's healed so well without a trace. The care I have been given by Dr Ghura is up and above standard care and I would recommend Dr Ghura 100%.

27th April 2024

I have recently undergone Mohs surgery for a BCC on my nose with Dr. Ghura. I am an NHS professional and have worked with many clinicians and I can honestly say that Dr. Ghura is an excellent Doctor. He is calm, caring, listens and is open to answering any questions. His experience in this field came across at the first appointment through his approach and examination and I felt at ease. With this, his knowledge and manner I knew that he was the right surgeon for me. He was realistic and caring and talked through the process and options pre-surgery and during surgery. I am 6 weeks post-surgery now and I am delighted with the outcome. His follow up has been thorough and I have felt supported throughout. Dr. Ghura is highly professional and an excellent clinician whom I would be happy to recommend to anyone.

22nd April 2024

The whole experience from the first time I met Dr Ghura was exceptional.Nobody likes to hear a cancer diagnosis but I was given lots of information and assurance from Dr Ghura that the BCC I had could be treated with a positive outcome. The surgery was scheduled promptly and the surgery itself was firstly fully explained and then when carried out I was told exactly what was happening at all times. The surgery was relatively pain free and the aftercare excellent. All in all a really positive experience.

9th April 2024

Dr Vindy Ghura was very pleasant and reassuring and explained every procedure clearly and calmly. I would definitely recommend him.

7th April 2024

I was referred to Dr Ghura by another Consultant Dermatologist. Dr Ghura is a specialist in Moh's surgery which I needed for a suspected basal cell carcinoma on left side of the bridge of my nose - an awkward position, close to the tear duct of my eye. Dr Ghura agreed Moh's surgery was an option but outlined the benefits and risks of that plus a second option of radiotherapy. When I expressed a preference for the Moh's surgery he explained clearly the impact , including the need for 2 weeks off work with no driving, extensive bruising and that complete healing would take ~4 months. The surgery was carried at the Everything Skin clinic which was a pleasant environment with friendly staff. I was at the clinic for almost 6 hours total. The surgery was under a local anaesthetic so I was awake throughout. There was mild discomfort when the local anaesthetic was injected. The surgery was pain free and I was comfortable throughout, Dr Ghura regularly checked if I was ok and explained what he was doing. When it came to stitching up, I needed a skin graft. Dr Ghura had said this was a possibility so i was aware of it, but I had not asked what it entailed, so I did feel a little uncertain at that point but Dr Ghura explained the additional procedure. The skin graft required additional local anaesthetic but again I did not feel any discomfort during the skin graft process or the stitching up. The left side of my face was covered in two dressings when I left the clinic and I was given clear instructions on how to manage with the dressings, when one could be removed by myself and the other was to be removed in clinic a week after the operation. The level of swelling and bruising I experienced was less than I had expected given the pre-op information. Having said that I was pleased he had been clear about 2 weeks off work as I did need that. The skin graft on my nose is very neatly done, I can tell that Dr Ghura has used his skill to follow the curves of my face/bone structure. I am 3 weeks post op currently but am already confident that over time the result will be good. Dr Ghura has given me clear instructions for how to care for the surgical areas for the next 2 months and I will then see him again.


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Dr Vindy Ghura is a highly experienced and long-established Dermatologist of over 20 years. He is always aware of the impact skin disease can have on his patients. He looks after and treats patients with all forms of skin disease including Skin Cancer, Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis and other rashes as well as hair loss (alopecia).

Dr Vindy Ghura knows a person's skin unique and if it’s not right it can impact on all aspects of a patient’s life- physical, emotional and social.

Dr Vindy Ghura is one of 70 fully trained Consultant Mohs Surgeons in the UK. Mohs Surgery is a specialist technique for removing the most difficult “non-melanoma” skin cancers (squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas and offers the highest cure rates. Dr Ghura set up the Mohs skin cancer service in Sheffield winning the Hospital’s Service development of the year award. Dr Ghura is honoured to have been elected President of the British Society for Dermatological Surgery (BSDS), the largest Skin surgery society in Europe and one to which almost all Dermatological (Skin) Surgeons and Mohs Surgeons in the UK belong to.

Dr Ghura has a Masters degree in Medical Education from Cardiff University (gained with distinction) and regularly teaches other doctors about skin disease. He has also been an examiner for the Royal College of Physicians for many years. He has given numerous lectures and talks on skin cancer and skin disease both nationally and internationally.

Dr Ghura has research interests in Skin Cancer, Surgery and Medical Education and has presented and published in all of these areas.